The first and only such product on the Polish market
designed for hospitals, medical centres, and other entities.

Accessibility Box

Accessibility is our top priority

everyone is important

Business Without Barriers Foundation

What is Accessibility Box? It is a unique product for alternative, non-verbal communication fully developed by our Foundation. Thanks to the tools and materials we have created, you will be able to effectively implement accessibility and introduce on a large scale good solutions to facilitate the daily functioning of people with special needs. Accessibility Box has been equipped with a set of cards for alternative and supporting communication, cards with icons, and additional tools, such as a Braille signature frame or a stamp indicating the need for additional support. It also includes a guidebook for medical staff.

Business Without Barriers Foundation

Accessibility Box

We have prepared Accessibility Box – the first and only such product on the Polish market designed for hospitals, medical centres, administration units, and other entities. The tools and materials it contains are essential for supporting the services for people with special needs.
This is a solution that facilitates communication and makes the services for patients and customers simple and fully accessible, regardless of their needs, medical condition, or type of disability.
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They help in communication with non-speaking individuals or those who speak with difficulties.

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A collection of good practices and guidelines for medical staff. It is a compendium of knowledge necessary for effective communication with people with special needs.

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These tables enable individuals who face various communication difficulties or limitations to have a more effective interaction with the staff of a given organization.

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Accessibility Box

A set of unique tools and materials that aid in alternative and supporting communication.

Business Without Barriers Foundation

Alternative and supportive communication

Some people with special needs have verbal communication disorders that may hinder their free communication. Thanks to alternative and supportive communication these people can more effectively inform about their needs and be in better contact with others.
In the whole process of establishing a relationship, it is necessary to directly involve such a person in the conversation. The interaction and respect for its autonomy are very important.


A universal set of infographics is used for pictorial communication with people with various contact difficulties or limitations.


Braille, Lorm, and sign language cards are used by people who communicate differently.

The guidebook for medical staff

It is a collection of best practices and tips for communicating with people with special needs.


The stamp allows you to quickly and easily indicate in a patient’s medical documentation, the need for additional support.

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Language cards

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What does our product provide?

Accessibility starts with communication – this idea has been with us since the beginning of our product development.
With great care and commitment, we wanted to effectively support medical and non-medical units in the daily services for people with special needs. We offer you three unique sets – a Medical Entity Box, an Administration Entity Box, and a Tailored Box addressed to other public and non-public units. They are equipped with tools and materials supporting alternative, non-verbal communication.
The boxes include tables and cards with icons for alternative communication and language cards that will be used in a specific institution. Some of the cards are available in Ukrainian. The set is complemented by a guide for medical staff, a Braille signature frame, and a stamp indicating additional support requirement.
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Accessibility Box is available also in Ukrainian

In Accessibility Box, you can also find icon cards translated into Ukrainian. In this way, we want to help access medical facilities for Ukrainians who settled in Poland due to the war and who do not know the Polish language.

What are the benefits of Accessibility Box?

One seemingly ordinary box and so many benefits! Accessibility Box is not just a cardboard box filled with a variety of A4 cards. Accessibility Box is a set of tools and materials supporting non-verbal communication. Everyone who visits a given institution should be fully taken care of. A deaf or hard of hearing person, a blind or visually impaired person, a child, an elderly person, a non-Polish speaker, or a person with various types of difficulties and communication limitations should feel understood and heard.
However, we can be unable to establish and maintain contact with a person with special needs without the right tools. This is where Accessibility Box comes in.

Trouble-free service for people with special needs

By serving a person who has difficulties in communicating, with the help of, among others, the “What will the doctor do?” card, you can easily inform the person about the actions the doctor intends to perform toward the person.

Effective and simple communication

Thanks to cards and tables with icons, you will be able to communicate with any person in an easy, simple, and fast way. A good example of simple communication is the “What do you need?” card. or “The pain card”. With their help, the patient will be able to determine their needs or indicate the level of pain.

Guarantee of accessibility

Here we are talking primarily about language cards, but also the frame for signature. The frame will make it easier for a blind person to sign, providing comfort and a sense of security. A given entity will implement the accessibility rules.

Respecting the principle "Everyone is important"

This rule is crucial. There are no better or worse people. Everyone should be treated according to the highest standards available to us. Individual approach and service at the highest level for people with special needs is the way to the development of a given institution.

Accessibility Box in practice

Video of Non-Public Health Care Centre in LUBIN, where you can see how cards with icons are used for alternative communication.

Our offer

We encourage you to take advantage of our unique offer. Check and find out more about the product we have prepared.

The Medical Entity Box

This is a set of cards designed for hospitals and medical centres
from 2000 to 7500 PLN NET
  • Tables and cards with icons
  • Language cards
  • Signature frame and stamp
  • Guidebook to communication

The Administration Entity Box

A set of cards and tools for administration institutions
3000 PLN NET
  • Tables and cards with icons
  • Language cards
  • Signature frame and stamp
  • Guidebook to communication

The Tailored Box

Cards and tools for individual compilation
from 300 to 7500 PLN NET
  • Tables and cards with icons
  • Language cards
  • Signature frame and stamp
  • Guidebook to communication
Detailed information about the product along with the price offer is available for download below.

Worth knowing

Communication is a process that may seem easy. However, this is not always the case, especially when dealing with a person with special needs. In addition to a willingness and openness to another person, specific knowledge is needed. Not everyone needs to know sign language or the Lorm’s Alphabet to communicate effectively with a deaf or blind person. It is good, however, to know the basic concepts, and to have helpful tools at hand. The latter can be found in Accessibility Box, and here we explain a few concepts.

Alternative and supportive communication

Methods of supporting people with difficulties in verbal communication. People who do not speak or speak poorly, thanks to signs based on gestures, images, symbols, and objects, can convey information about their needs, experiences, and feelings.

What is accessibility?

A broad concept that describes the extent to which a person with special needs can use objects, services, or digital systems. Accessibility aims to prevent discrimination and marginalization and to improve the living and functioning of people.

A person with special needs

A senior, a person with a disability, or any other person with permanently or temporarily impaired mobility or perception (e.g. a person moving with crutches, with a pram, a person with large luggage).

Lorm’s Alphabet

Lorm’s Alphabet is a system of points, lines, and touch marks that are placed on a hand. A message is provided by touching specific points on a hand. This alphabet is used to communicate with people who are deaf and blind.

Icon tables

Easy and simple graphical visualization of information. The middle solution between text and image. Through icons, we can describe things, activities, feelings, emotions, words, places, and events. Iconography is based, among other things, on sign language.

Polish Sign Language (PSL)

Native sign language spoken by deaf Poles. It is a full-fledged language, it has all the features of a language. It is characterized by visual-spatial grammar – so flashing a sign in a specific place gives it an additional meaning.
If you want to get more information about Accessibility Box, get to know its full content, and place an order, please contact our accessibility specialists.

Andrzej Gancarski

President of the Foundation, Accessibility Specialist

Andrzej Gancarski

+48 725 163 741

We encourage you to visit the Foundation website to see all our activities
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